
Integration participants


This is the person whose intention is to pay/withdraw via a merchant website integrated to our platform.


Subject integrated to our platform. Offers payment for goods and services to users.


The payment gateway software the merchants use to process theirs payments. Provides a great deal ethods to pay/withdraw money in many currencies.



Payments are all of merchant funds movements which happens on merchant accounts. It includes incoming payments - Payins, outgoing Payments - Payouts, Settlements.

Incoming Payment

Payins are incoming Payments to merchant account coming from customer’s payment instrument such as bank account, wallets and so on.

Outgoing Payment

Payouts are outgoing Payments from merchant account to customer bank accounts. Payouts can be requested either through our API or Merchant Back-office application.


Settlements are payments which transfer funds from merchant platform account to your bank account. Settlements can be requested through Merchant Back-office application.

Payment option

Payment option is the combination of a payment method and a payment operator.

Payment method

Payment method is the payment instrument that your customers use (such as online bank transfers, VA payments, UPI and so on). See list of supported Payment methods.

Payment operator

Payment operator is a financial institution that manages transactions in your customer’s account (such as banks, card payment processors, mobile wallets and so on).

The payment operators are assigned to the payment methods according to your (merchant) account configuration. For supported payment operators please refer to GET /payment-operators endpoint.

Customer data

Customer data is data We need to collect about your customer as a payer in order to process and manage your payment request. Data properties can be emailAddress, accountName or accountNumber and so on. The set properties we need to collect depends on the Payment methods you have configured on your Merchant’s account for detailed information. To check which customer data property are required for given payment method see POST /payins/{idPayin} endpoint request parameter paymentMethod. If you are using our Payment Web App to guide your customers through a payment flow then these properties can be provided as query parameters of the RedirectURL.


It is URL which redirects your customers to our Payment Web Application where the customer is guided through the payment flow.
RedirectURL has to be compiled in the Merchant system because main parameters of the RedirectURL are basic data about the Payment such as currency, amount etc., authorisation token and possibly customer data. To learn more how to compile the RedirectURL, check the Initial redirect section on the Payment Web Application integration page.

External payment reference

A External payment or transaction reference is a unique identifier assigned to any financial transaction. A reference number helps us identify payments / transactions. The exact format of the number can differ according to payment method. Your customers can usually find it in their banking service such as mobile wallets, internet banking services or bank slips. Example of such refrence is UTR (unique transaction reference) in Indian market.

Applications and Environments

Sandbox environment

System which allows the Merchants to test theirs API integration and Payment processes. See Sandbox section.

Live environment

System where Merchants process their real payments.

Merchant Back-office Sandbox

Application where Merchants can view and manage their payments processed on their Sandbox account.

Merchant Back-office Live

Application where Merchants can view and manage their payments processed on their Live account.


Auth token

This is a token for the authentication and authorization of API requests. For more details on auth token capabilities see Security section of this documentation.

Token content can be easily decoded by pasting it to the debugger on jwt.io web page.

API credentials

Combination of Merchant ID and Merchant Secret Key which allows you to authenticate against the platform

Merchant code

This code is your unique identifier - Merchant ID, received during the merchant registration process.

Merchant Secret key

This is a secret key obtained during the merchant registration process. This secret MUST be kept secured and cannot be shared in publicly accessible areas such as GitHub, client-side code, and so forth.